Stamátios is a contemporary furniture brand based in Montreal, Canada.

The company was founded by Stamátios Fragos in 2019 with the launch of Parállilo, a series of handcrafted wooden lamps. Drawing upon his contemporary design studies as well as his heritage, Stamátios aimed to create a product which was modern and minimalistic, but inscribed into a rich architectural and artistic history. The result was a table lamp evoking Greco-Roman columns—geometric in its simple construction, yet organic in its soft play with light. 

Since then the Parállilo series has grown to include a full-length floor lamp, a night light, a sconce, and several accessories. Still, all objects are carefully produced by hand, allowing Stamátios’s designers to continue working within a state of material experimentation and exploration, pushing objects beyond the boundaries of their history.

“Nature is a temple in which living columns sometimes emit confused words. Man approaches it through forests of symbols, which observe him with familiar glances.”

—Charles Baudelaire